
A 1 Question cards

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  • Whose cat is this ?
    It's their cat.
  • What date is it today?
    Today is...
  • How many days are in a week?
    7 days are in a week
  • Where are you from?
    I'm from...
  • Say
    The T-shirt is too big.
  • Say
    The jumper is too small.
  • What day is it today?
    Today is...
  • How many seasons are in a year?
    4 seasons are in a year?
  • Say
    The suit is too big.
  • How many months are in a year?
    12 months are in a year.
  • One tooth- two...?
    Two teeth
  • One goose-many...?
    Many geese
  • What colour are the clothes?