
Causative have

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  • I copy the passport (have - be goingto)
    I'm going to have the passport copied
  • I make a cake for my birthday (get- past perfect)
    I had got a cake made for my birhtday
  • I change the light bulbs (get/past simple)
    I got the light bulbs changed
  • I dye my hair. (get/ present continuous)
    I'm having my hair dyed
  • I decorate my room (get present perfect)
    I have gotten my room decorated
  • I organize a party (have- present perfect)
    i have had a party organized
  • I mow the lawn- (get present cont)
    I'm getting the mow lawned
  • I dry-clean my suit (have/ be going to)
    I'm going to have my suit drycleaned
  • i shave my neck (have- past perfect)
    I had had my neck shaved
  • I pierce my belly bottom (get- present perfect)
    I have gotten my belly bottom pierced
  • I repair the sink (get- be going to)
    i'm going to get the sink repaired
  • I wash the curtains (have/ will)
    I will have the curtains washed
  • I check my teeth. (get- Future will)
    I will have my teeth checked
  • I change the car's tires (get -will)
    I will get the car's tires changed
  • I do the shooping soon (have- must)
    I must have the shooping done
  • I have a picture framed (have- past perfect)
    I had had a picture framed
  • I deliver the invitations (have - should)
    I should have the invitations delivered
  • I enlarge a photo (get/ should)
    I should have a photo enlarged
  • I repair the roof. (get. past cont)
    I was having the roof repaired
  • I edited the article (have /past contin.)
    I was having the article edited
  • I cut the grass. (have/ simple past)
    I had the grass cut