
discussion topics

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  • This country's healthcare system needs a lot of improvement.
  • Life was better 20 years ago.
  • All people should have the right to own guns.
  • People who get plastic surgery usually look worse later in life.
  • Humans should invest in technology to explore and colonize other planets.
  • Plastic bags should be banned.
  • Graffiti is art, not crime.
  • Social media has improved human communication.
  • Life would be better without government or rules.
  • Voting for a political party that is unlikely to win the election is wasting your vote.
  • The most important thing about a job is the salary.
  • Money is more important than love.
  • Homework should be banned.
  • Smoking should be banned in all public places.
  • Violent video games should be banned.
  • People should be able to criticize the government.
  • People who live in apartments shouldn't own pets.
  • Homeschooling is better than traditional schooling.
  • The government should be stricter on immigration.
  • The government has the right to monitor phone calls and e-mails.
  • Religion should be taught in schools.
  • We should tax the rich to help the poor.
  • There should be an extra tax on unhealthy food.
  • English is easy to learn.
  • Animal testing should be banned.
  • Global warming isn't real.
  • Governments should invest in alternative energy sources.
  • Table manners and etiquette have become less important in the 21st century.
  • Personality is more important than beauty.
  • Police officers should not carry guns.