
used to + v.

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  • What did you use to do when you were 5? When I was five I used to....
    When I was five I used to....
  • When my aunt was young she had a beard. She doesn't have a beard anymore.
    My aunt used to have a beard.
  • Ten years ago, I studied Japanese. Now I don't study it anymore.
    I used to sudy Japanese.
  • Find the mistake: What did Vikings used to eat?
  • What did you use to do when you were 3? When I was three I used to....
    When I was three I used to....
  • What didn't you use to do when you were 3? I didn't use to ...
    I didn't use to ...
  • Unscramble the question: did / use / What / you / play / to / with /
    What did you use to play with?
  • Find the mistake: Did you used to have long hair?
  • Last month I rode my bicycle to school. Now I don't do it.
    I used to ride my bicycle to school.
  • When I was young I was lazy. Now I'm not lazy.
    I used to be lazy.
  • When Sara was younger she was short. Now, Sara is tall.
    Sara used to be short.
  • Last year my classmate didn't study hard. Now he studies hard
    My classmate didn't use to study hard.
  • A long time ago my hair was curly. Now my hair is straight.
    My hair used to be curly.
  • Find the mistake: I use to suck my thumb.