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  • What's the comparative form of BAD?
  • What's the comparative form of GOOD?
  • Make a comparative sentence: a car / expensive / a bike
    A car is more expensive than a bike
  • Make a comparative sentence: a pen / cheap / a mobile phone
    A pen is cheaper than a mobile phone
  • Correct the mistake: A car is faster a bike.
    A car is faster THAN a bike.
  • Make a comparative sentence: a snake / dangerous / a rabbit
    A snake is more dangerous than a rabbit
  • Make a comparative sentence: a dolphin / intelligent / a parrot
    A dolphin is more intelligent than a parrot
  • Make a comparative sentences: a dog / good / a cat
    A dog is better than a cat / A cat is better than a dog
  • What's the comparative form of expensive?
    more expensive
  • What's the comparative form of small?