
Conditionals GA9 GA10

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  • If that jacket I ordered (not / fit) me, I'll have to send it back.
    doesn't fit
  • It would be strange if Sally (not / visit) her grandma occasionally.
    didn't visit
  • If Sally (decide) to move to Berlin permanently, Tom would probably apply for jobs there, too.
  • If we'd gone by train, we (not / damage) the car on that wall.
    wouldn't have damaged
  • If he (start) early enough, he'll be there by lunch time.
  • If Mum (not / have) her tea in the morning, she's grumpy all day.
    doesn't have
  • If you found a lot of money on the street, what (you / do) with it?
    would you do
  • It (not / make) any difference, even if we'd planned more carefully.
    wouldn't have made
  • If horses (not / live) with other horses, they get lonely.
    don't live
  • If he (not / work) at home, he would get more exercise.
    didn't work
  • If you'd told me before, I (help) you.
    would have helped
  • If we (know) what a long journey it was, we wouldn't have gone.
    had known
  • If the politicians (not / do) something soon, climate change will get out of hand.
    don't do
  • If he doesn't take his phone with him this afternoon, he (not / find) the way.
    won't find
  • If he (not / drink) so much beer yesterday, he would have slept better.
    hadn't drunk
  • We would have arrived a lot earlier if there (not / be) so much traffic on the roads.
    hadn't been
  • If you (listen) to the advice I gave you when you left, this would never have happened.
    had listened
  • If the temperature (drop) below zero, water freezes.
  • She's vegetarian. If there (not / be) any meat in the curry, she would have eaten it.
    hadn't been
  • If you (read) a lot of English, you don't necessarily learn how to pronounce the words.
  • Poor goldfish! They wouldn't have died if the children (look) after them properly.
    had looked
  • If we (miss) the next bus, we'll be late for the meeting.
  • The microwave doesn't work. If I (press) the button, nothing happens.
  • It was very funny. You (laugh) if you'd been there.
    would have laughed
  • If she (not / live) in the city, she'd get bored.
    didn't live
  • Bill (take) a job in Berlin if he was offered one there.
    would take
  • I'd be surprised if tourist trips to the moon (become) a regular thing.
  • She's very sensitive. She screams if she (see) a spider.
  • If the posters (not / be) big enough, we'll swap them for bigger ones.
  • The hotel guests (complain) if breakfast was only served between 6 and 7 a.m.
    would complain
  • If it (not / rain) tomorrow, we'll go to the zoo.
    doesn't rain
  • If it (not / be) a rude question, I'd ask her how old she was.
  • Be careful! If you try to run, you (spill) that orange juice.
    will spill
  • Come on, let's start. If we work together on this job, it (not / take) long.
    won't take
  • I'm sure that if he works hard, he (succeed).
    will succeed
  • He (not / go) the wrong way if he'd looked at the signpost.
    wouldn't have gone
  • Take the train. If you went by car, you (not / get) there any earlier.
    wouldn't get
  • If more people cycled to work, there (not / be) so many cars on the road.
    wouldn't be
  • It (be) easy to cheat in exams if everybody sat next to each other.
    would be
  • It's so gloomy in here. It would be cosier if we (light) a candle.
    lit / lighted
  • What would you do if you suddenly (come) face to face with a bear?
  • If Sally (go) anywhere near a cat, she gets asthma.
  • How lucky! If we'd been a little bit later, we (miss) seeing you.
    would have missed
  • Even if he had to get up at five o'clock, he (not / complain).
    wouldn't complain
  • If Darren (not / go) to the gym twice a week, he feels guilty.
    doesn't go
  • If they (not / score) that goal in the last minute, they would have been relegated.
    hadn't scored
  • If you (not / give) house plants water, they die.
    don't give
  • Poor Fred. He (probably / get) the job if he hadn't been ill on the day of the interview.
    would probably have got