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  • When two people were talking and you want to ask something, what word you should use?
    Excuse Me
  • You walk by your friend's desk and accidentally knock over his water bottle. What might you say?
  • How you greet anyone in the morning
    Good Morning
  • If you want to ask elders something you want, what word you should use?
  • When mailman or Delivery person bring something to your door, what will you say to them?
    Thank You
  • If you want to ask any question in class, what should you do?
    Raise your hand
  • If u feel down, your neighbor or friend help you. what will you say to them?
    Thank You
  • what word you will use when u are leaving
    Good Bye
  • when you ask permission from your parents like asking for water or permission what word you will use
  • If an elderly person trying to enter the room after you, what will you do?
    Hold the door for them.
  • When u are playing, if your ball hit someone by mistake. What will you say?
    I am Sorry!
  • How do you greet other before going to bed
    Good Night
  • when you want to ask your brother or sister to help you, what word is used
  • If your friends or family members buy you a gift, what will you say
    Thank you
  • When elder is talking to someone on phone and you want to ask something, what word you will use?
    Excuse Me
  • If someone helped you with direction what should you tell them
    Thank You