
for since

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  • When/ you see your friends?
    When did you see your friends?
  • Де твоя сім'я зазвичай купує продукти?
    Where does your family usually do the shopping?
  • Твої сусіди часто створюють шум?
    Do your neighbours often make noise?
  • ____ she (work) in the suburbs last year?
    Did she work
  • Скільки часу у вас цей ставок і ганок біля будинку?
    How long have you had this pond and a porch near the house?
  • SHE …………………..(WORK) IN THE SAME OFFICE ……….. 1998
    has worked/ since
  • SHE………………..(WAIT) FOR THE LETTER…………….JULY
    has waited / since
  • SHE ………………………. (NOT SEE) HER FRIENDS ……………… HER BIRTHDAY
    hasn't seen/ since
  • How long / they/ be married
    How long have they been married?
  • HE………………………….(sing) ON THE TREE …………TWO HOURS
    has sung/ for
  • Вікно у даху забезпечує багато природнього світла
    A window in the roof provides a lot of natural light
  • Я ще ніколи не скаржився в ресторані.
    I have never made a complaint at a restaurant
  • Ти коли-небудь робив вечерю для когось?
    Have you ever made dinner for somebody?
  • HE…………………..(NOT PLAY) FOOTBALL …………A WEEK
    hasn't played/ for
  • IT …………………..(RAIN) …………. SUNDAY
    has rained
  • THEY ………………(NOT PLAY) HOCKEY ………………..WINTER
    haven't played/ since
  • SHE ... (work) in the office