
TIO B1 end of year revision

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  • Superlative: The tower at La Laboral is ___ __________ building in Northern Spain (high)
    The tower at La Laboral is the highest building in Northern Spain
  • Third conditional: If I had studied...
    If I had studied I WOULD + HAVE + VERB
  • Report the following. I had much more hair then
    You said that you had much more hair at that time
  • Use past perfect and past simple: When Victor _________ (arrive) at the train station, Alfredo ______ already ______ (take) the best seat...
    When Victor arrived at the train station, Alfredo had already taken the best seat...
  • Food vocab: It's best to buy fruit and vegetables ________ from a market or fruit shop (not old)
  • Start a sentence with... SURPRISINGLY...
  • They arrived late, ______ they?
    They arrived late, didn't they?
  • Second conditional: I would live...
    I would live in X, if I +PAST SIMPLE VERB
  • When I _______ (arrive) home, my husband ________ (past perfect, finished) making lunch
    When I arrived home, my husband had finished making lunch
  • Use past perfect and past simple: After Alejandro _________ __________ (order) a pizza, he _______ (call) Miguel to come over and eat it together
    After Alejandro had ordered a pizza, he called Miguel to come over and eat it together
  • How do you say this in English? (disfraz)
  • Janel was ________ (play) video games when he _______ (realise) he should be in class
    Janel was playing video games when he realised he should be in class
  • What you been listening to recently? (podcasts, music, radio etc)
  • A person who loves a particular band can be called a....
  • How do you pronounce John Wayne in Spanish?
    Juan Vayne!
  • Conditional: If the mobile phone ___ ____ _____ (have be, negative) invented, we ________ be more intelligent
    If the mobile phone had not been invented, we would be more intelligent
  • Future: ____ _____ _________ __ travel to Japan one day (we / future form)
    We are going to travel to Japan one day
  • Future: The train ________ at 9.30 from Platform 5 (leave / future form)
    The train leaves at 9.30 from Platform 5
  • Tell me 5 genres of music
  • Predictions: I _____ be studying English until the end of time
    I will be studying English until the end of time
  • Predictions: In the future, Gary ______ be replaced by a more handsome and intelligent robot
    In the future, Gary will be replaced by a more handsome and intelligent robot
  • Report the following. I'm Batman, he's Robin
    He said he was Batman, I/he was Robin
  • Polite forms: How about...
  • Report the following. What kind of dog is it?
    X asked me what kind of dog it was
  • Superlative: Blanca is ____ ______ _________ in the class (glamorous)
    Blanca is the most glamorous in the class
  • Second conditional: I would buy...
    I would buy X, if I + PAST SIMPLE VERB
  • Food vocab: Gary's Spanish omelette is ___________ (choose an appropriate adjective)
  • What do British people call the 26th of December?
    Boxing Day
  • It was snowing so I wasn't ______ to drive across the mountains
    It was snowing so I wasn't able to drive across the mountains
  • Start a sentence with... LUCKILY
  • I'm ___________ my sister at 2pm for lunch (meet, future form)
    I'm meeting my sister at 2pm for lunch
  • Finish the sentence (cleft sentences). "______ I really hate about English is the pronunication!"
    What I really hate about English is the pronunication!
  • Conditional: If we don't ______ (stop) using coal and gas, we _____ run out of energy
    If we don't stop using coal and gas we will run out of energy
  • Polite forms: Would you mind if...
  • Third conditional: If she had waited...
    If she had waited, she WOULD + HAVE + VERB
  • Have you heard the latest G_______? Gary's teeth are fake!
  • Comparative: Asturian cider is obviously _________ than British cider (good)
    Asturian cider is obviously better than British cider
  • Before I was 18 years old, I _______ _________ ________ (Past perfect, already, learn) to drive a car
    Before I was 18 years old, I had already learnt to drive a car
  • Second conditional: If I could teleport....
    If I could teleport, I WOULD + VERB
  • Comparative: Janel's bedroom is _____ _____________ than Alejandro's kitchen (interesting)
    Janel's bedroom is more interesting than Alejandro's kitchen (interesting)
  • Name 5 different genres of movie
  • Past forms: The laptop ________ (explode) while Alba was ________ (connect) to the English class
    The laptop exploded while Alba was connecting to English class
  • How do you say this in English?
  • Alejandro suggests ________ (to fish / fishing) as a good way to relax
    Alejandro suggests fishing as a good way to relax
  • Change to the passive voice: People speak Portuguese in Brazil
    Portuguese is spoken in Brazil
  • Agree with the statement. I can't play the piano.
    Neither can I
  • Anna can speak German, ______ she?
    Can't she?
  • Report the following. Are you spying on me?
    X asked if was spying on them
  • Agree with the statement. I have been to Mexico
    So have I
  • Past forms. Gary was _______ (eat) breakfast when the police ________ (arrive)
    Gary was eating breakfast when the police arrived
  • Start a sentence with... OBVIOUSLY...
  • Change to the passive voice (to help Blanca): Blanca broke the TV in the classroom
    The in the classroom was broken (by 'someone')
  • Agree with the statement. I'd like a cup of coffee
    So would I!
  • Superlative: Oliver is ____ __________ from Gijon in the class (far)
    Oliver is the furthest from Gijon in the class
  • Complete this question in passive form: Who ____ _____ _____ ________ ___(this play / write) by?
    Who is this play written by?
  • Second conditional: If I could fly...
    If I could fly, I WOULD + VERB
  • Start a sentence with... ACTUALLY...
  • Past forms: Alejandro was __________ (swim) when the Orca _______ (attack)
    Alejandro was swimming when the Orca attacked
  • Third conditional: I wouldn't have...
    I wouldn't have + PARTICIPLE, IF + SUBJECT + WOULD + HAVE + VERB
  • Comparative: Alejandro's hair is just a little bit ______ than Gary's hair (white)
    Alejandro's hair is just a little bit whiter than Gary's hair
  • How often do you _____ up with friends? Where do you ______ out?
    How often do you catch up with friends? Where do you hang out?
  • Finish the sentence (cleft sentences). "___ was Miguel who ate all the turron..."
    It was Miguel who ate all the turron
  • Miguel advised the class _________ (to check / checking) they have a fire extinguisher in the flat
    Miguel advised the class to check they have a fire extinguisher in the flat
  • Change to the passive form: How much ______ _____ __________ (paper / recycle) in Spain each year?
    Change to the passive form: How much paper is recycled in Spain each year?
  • Juanma promised _________ (being / to be) on time for every English class
    Juanma promised to be on time for every English class
  • Complete the sentence in passive form: The royal wedding _____ _____________ (watch) by millions of people in 2011.
    The royal wedding was watched by millions of people in 2011.
  • It's a nice day, ______ it?
    It's a nice day, isn't it?
  • Janel's friend recommends ________ (to go/ going) to the gym every day
    Janel's friend recommends going to the gym every day
  • I C______ play the guitar when I was younger, but now I C_____
    I could play the guitar when I was younger, but now I can't
  • What s_____ I do about my job?
    What should I do about my job?
  • Start a sentence with... APPARENTLY...
  • You o______ to use your car less and walk more.
    You ought to use your car less and walk more.