
Búsqueda de Navidad (20-40)

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  • People in Venezuela go to morning mass from December 16-24 on what mode of transportation?
    roller skates
  • What happens for asalto navideno in Puerto Rico?
    A group goes to a friend's house to wake them up by singing carols. Then they have a party!
  • How much does a ticket cost for the biggest lottery in Spain?
    200 Euros ($218.54)
  • What is la Misa de Gallo?
    Midnight Mass
  • Panama is third in consumption of these, after the U.S. and Canada?
    Christmas trees
  • Why do people in Chile, Argentina, y Uruguay go to the beach on Christmas?
    It's summer there!
  • What is the biggest lottery in Spain called?
    "El gordo" = "The fat one"
  • When is La Nochebuena?
    December 24
  • When is El Día de los Inocentes?
    December 28
  • What is champurrado?
    A hot chocolate drink made from corn (Mexico).
  • Which country was forbidden to celebrate Christmas from 1969-2007?
  • When does the Christmas season officially begin in Nicaragua?
    December 6
  • How are the winning numbers announced for the biggest lottery?
    The numbers are sung by school children.
  • What do people in Mexico on December 25?
    They relax and enjoy leftovers. It's a pretty chill day.
  • What do Colombians and Chileans do at midnight on New Year's Eve?
    They walk around with a suitcase
  • Where is el burrito sabanero going?
    To Bethlehem
  • What happens on Día de Velitas in Colombia?
    Homes and cities are decorated with lights and candles and there are fireworks at night.
  • Panana City has a lighted boat parade on which weekend in December?
    the second weekend of December
  • To whom do las anjanas give gifts?
    To the children of poor families in Cantabria, Espana.