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  • Where are you going on holiday this summer?
    I'm going to go to... (the beach/mountain) (a camping) (London, Madrid, Barcelona)
  • What job are you going to do when you are older?
    I'm going to be a ...
  • What did you have for lunch yesterday?
    I had...
  • When did you last buy clothes?
    Last... Monday/month/etc. Yesterday
  • What sports did you play last week?
    I played...
  • What are you going to have for dinner tonight?
    I'm going to have an omelette/fish/etc.
  • What are you going to do this weekend?
    I'm going to play volleyball/videogames, meet my friends.
  • Are you going to try any new activities this summer?
    I'm going to try (doing karate, reading, playing golf)
  • What did you study this year? Did you pass your exams?
    I studied 6th grade of primary/1st/2nd year of secondary. Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
  • What are you going to buy next week?
    I'm going to buy...
  • Where did you go on holiday last summer?
    I went to...
  • What did you do last weekend?
    I met my friends. / I visited my grandparents. / I went to the park/cinema/etc.