
"Do/Does __ like? Yes, No " Animals theme

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  • Имеет ли попугай чешую?have scales
    Does a parrot have scales? No, it doesn't
  • Любят ли верблюды морковь?  camels like carrots
    Do camels  like carrots?  Yes, they do
  • Любит ли обезьяна бананы? like
    Does a monkey like bananas? Yes, it does
  • Крокодил отклыдвает яйца? lay eggs
    Does a crocodila lay eggs? Yes, it does
  • Имеют ли змеи перья? have feathers
    Do snakes have feathers? No, they don't
  • Умеют ли летучие мыши летать? can fly
    Can bats fly?   Yes, they can
  • Умеют ли собаки быстро бегать? can run fast
    Сan dogs run fast?  Yes, they can
  • Любит ли верблюд морковь?  camels like carrots
    Does a camel  like carrots?  Yes, it does
  • Имеет ли паук 8 ног? have/legs
    Does a spider have 8 legs? No, it doesn't
  • Любят ли обезьяны бананы? like
    Do monkeys like bananas? Yes, they do
  • Любят ли панды мясо?  like meat
    Do pandas like meat? No, they don't
  • Имеют ли пауки 8 ног? have/legs
    Do spiders have 8 legs? No, they don't
  • Имеют ли попугаи чешую?have scales
    Do parrots have scales? No, they don't
  • Могут ли слоны летать? can fly
    Can elephants fly? No, they can't
  • Крокодилы отклыдвают яйца? lay eggs
    Do crocodiles lay eggs? Yes, they do