
B1 / B2 Warm-up Questions

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  • What was the best thing that happened to you last weekend?
  • Were your parents strict or lenient?
  • What was an unusual thing your children did when they were very small?
  • What is your favourite place to travel for holiday or leave?
  • Where did you and your best friend meet?
  • Who inspires you? Who do you aspire to be like?
  • What film or book character do you most identify with?
  • If you and I were to go to jail, what would it be for?
  • What hobby have you always wanted to develop?
  • What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?
  • Tell me about the best holiday you've ever had.
  • If you had 24 hours to do whatever you wanted in this city, what would you do?
  • What is your favourite childhood memory?
  • If you could re-do one day in your life, what would it be and why?
  • What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
  • Do you have any guilty pleasures?
  • Friday night—would you rather stay in or go out?
  • What are the three things you would bring with you to a deserted island?
  • Did you have a nickname when you were growing up? If so, what was it and where did it come from?
  • If you had to spend $10,000 today, how would you spend it?
  • What piece of art (book, music, movie, etc.) most influenced the person you are today?
  • Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of?
  • What was your favorite bedtime story as a kid?
  • What do you lie most about?
  • What is your favourite word in English? Why do you like it?
  • Who's your least favourite celebrity?
  • What's the best advice you have ever received?
  • What music would you recommend for me to listen to while I work?