
2 - F1

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  • What part of the plant do we eat?
  • If the frog is the predator, what is its prey?
    fly, moth, cricket, locust, spider, slug, snail, worms
  • What plant product is shown?
    paper product
  • What animal makes honey?
  • What plant product is shown?
  • What do you call the animals with backbones?
  • Animals __________.
  • Name at least three examples of insects.
    bee, ant, butterfly, dragonfly, mantis, locust, lady bird
  • What do you call that animal? Is it a predator or prey?
    A rabbit is a prey.
  • If the snake is the predator, what is its prey?
    mice, rat, chicken
  • A leopard is an example of a predator. What is a predator?
    An animal that hunts other animals for food.
  • What part of the plant do we eat?
  • What animals have 8 legs?
    scorpion, spider
  • Label the parts of a plant.
  • How many legs do insects have?
    Insects have 6 legs
  • What part of the plant do we eat?
  • What plant product is shown?
    paper product
  • Are insects vertebrates or invertebrates?
    Insects are invertebrates.
  • If the lion is the predator, what is its prey?
    zebra, deer, elk
  • What plant product is shown?
  • Name at least three things that plants need to grow.
    soil, water, sunlight, air
  • Name the animal. Is it an insect or not?
    A scorpion is not an insect
  • State the life cycle of a butterfly.
    egg > caterpillar (larva) > chrysalis (pupa) > adult butterfly
  • What part of the plant do we eat?
  • Give at least three examples of vertebrate animals.
    dog, lion, elephant, frog, snake, bird
  • What do you call the animals with no backbones?
  • What animals eat plants?
    zebra, deer, cow, goat
  • Give at least three examples of invertebrate animals.
    jellyfish, starfish, crab, fly
  • Label the parts of an insect.
  • What animal is it? Is it a predator or prey?
    Crocodiles are predators
  • Name the animal. Is it helpful or harmful?
    A mantis is helpful. It eats pests.
  • What plant product is shown?
  • Animals can _____________.
  • What plant product is shown?
  • A fish is an example of a prey. What do you mean by prey?
    an animal that gets hunted/eaten
  • True or False. Flies lay eggs
  • What part of the plant do we eat?
  • What part of the plant do we eat?
  • What animals have four legs?
    zebra, lion, dog, cat
  • Animals _____________.
  • What do you call that animal? Is it a predator or prey?
    A porcupine is a prey.
  • Animals ___________.