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  • Make a conditional sentence: I feel so tired because I don't sleep well.
    I wouldn't feel so tired if I slept well.
  • If you get back late, I ..................(be) angry.
    will be
  • If the skirt hadn't been so cheap, I ............. (not buy) it.
    wouldn't have bought
  • If I wasn't ill, I .............. (go) to the party.
    would go
  • I always take my umbrella if it .......... (rain).
  • If I was you, I ....................... (go) to the beach.
    would go
  • If you forget my birthday, I ........... never (speak) to you again.
    will never speak
  • Make a conditional sentence: Try this meal. You will like it.
    If you try this meal, you will like it.
  • If you wash the dishes, I .............. (dry) them.
    will dry
  • If I had a million of euros, I ................... (buy) a big house.
    would buy