
AUTUMN 2023 recap - 3 best :)

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  • 3 best films/series watched in AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 things you are grateful for in AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 best dishes you cooked in AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 best places you visited in AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 best buys in AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 best accomplishments in AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 English words/idioms to describe AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 things you didn't manage in AUTUMN 2023, but will definitely do in WINTER
  • 3 best events you attented/organised
  • 3 things you learnt to do in AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 best books/stories of AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 best songs on repeat in AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 weird things that happened to you in AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 issues you solved in AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 things you will miss from AUTUMN 2023
  • 3 (bad) things you quit in AUTUMN 2023