
Ella's morning - English File PI Unit 10B

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  • How does Ella go to work and how long does it take?
    She walks, it takes her 5 minutes. She lives near the shop.
  • If she goes out on a Saturday, she feels ...... the next day.
  • She doesn't mind....
  • She works for about.......hours
  • Ella wakes up at...........
    2.35 am
  • Between 3.00am and 8.30am, she makes...
    all the bread and cakes
  • She doesn't go out during the week because she goes to bed ....., at about ....
    goes to bed EARLY, at about 8.30pm
  • She wears the same clothes everyday: ......
    a white chef's jacket and a pair of jeans
  • She finishes work at about...
    3.00 in the afternoon
  • Although she loves her job, she would like to...
  • She starts baking at....
    3.00 am
  • Her body needs a ...... to function. If she doesn't have it, she feels....
    a CUP OF COFFEE, she feels DESPERATE
  • The shop opens at...
  • She feels .... when she wakes up, but she gets up ......
    she feels TERRIBLE, but she gets up STRAIGHT AWAY
  • Her partner also sets his phone alarm because she doesn't feel .... with just one alarm.
  • She uses her ............... to wake up on time.
    phone alarm