
Mad Gab

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  • up ape irk udder
    a paper cutter
  • furs tar rise heat who night
    first star I see tonight
  • Golf lie ache height
    go fly a kite
  • These If Hill wore
    The Civil war
  • erased wrack
    a race track
  • us heaven for tease heaven
    a 747
  • noggin hock ooze there
    knock knock who's there
  • Rays Die Browse
    raised eyebrows
  • up he such ease
    a piece of cheese
  • hike ann tell pit
    I can't help it
  • what hurt our
    water tower
  • hit saw my fought
    it's all my fault
  • rack ooze bug eddie saws
    ragu spaghetti sauce
  • dawn buried hick yule us
    don't be ridiculous
  • Laugh tan Did
    left handed
  • watt sap inning
    what's happening
  • haul mull own
    home alone
  • disguise they'll him it
    the sky's the limit
  • aisle eggs play knit
    I'll explain it