
Lay it on the line

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  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being someone who loves junk food (the more sugar, the more fried, the better it is!) and 10 being very healthy and does not eat anything processed or fried, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being very sensitive and caring about others deeply and 10 being stone cold where it takes a lot to get you emotional over others, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being a total jock who loves playing sports and 10 being non-athletic and not interested in sports, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being a pessimist, who always sees the worst in things and 10 being an optimist who always finds the best in every situation, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being someone who lives in the moment and never thinks about the future and 10 being a planner who is constantly thinking about what's coming, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being a leader who enjoys being in charge and 10 being a follower who does not want to make any decisions, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being a class clown who always makes others laugh and 10 being quiet and reserved and you rarely tell jokes, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being a couch potato who loves TV and 10 being a Health Fanatic who must have exercise , where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being a total hot-head who loses their cool about everything and 10 being a calm operator and it takes a lot to get you angry, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1- 10, 1 being a total slob and you should have your room condemned and 10 being a neat freak with a spotless room, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being someone who will talk to anyone and enjoys being social and 10 being reserved, quiet and would rather keep to yourself, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being you lips are sealed and you would never share a secret and 10 being a gossip who loves to share stories with others, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1-being a chatterbox who loves to talk and 10 being all ears who would rather sit back and listen, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being very positive and am proud of myself no matter what and 10 being Mr. Negative and always down on myself, where do you honestly rate yourself?
  • On a scale from 1-10, 1 being a pushover who rarely stands up for yourself and 10 being overly assertive who stands up for themselves whenever anyone says anything negative about them, where do you honestly rate yourself?