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  • Suppose couples ____(not allow) to divorce -what ____(the effect be)?
    were not allowed,might the effects be
  • What if the sun_____(become) so strong that it ____(burn) us immediately-how_____(life change)?
    became, burnt, would life change
  • Imagine if we_____ (have) no sense of smell-what difference_____ (it make)to our lives?
    had, would it make
  • How _____(our lives be) different if a cure_____(be discovered) for all colds and minor viruses?
    would our lives be, was discovered
  • Imagine that the government ____(pass) a law banning people from eating meat. What______(happen)?
    passed, would happen
  • Imagine if pollution_____(get) so bad that the private ownership of cars_____(be banned)- what______(happen)?
    got, was banned, would happen