
Complex sentences

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  • At the top of the mountain,
  • In the room next door,
  • Before the sun sets,
  • Because he was feeling unwell,
  • If I could travel anywhere,
  • Since she finished her homework early,
  • While waiting in line,
  • Once the cake is baked
  • Whenever I visit my grandparents,
  • Although it was late,
  • When I woke up this morning,
  • While I was at the park,
  • Although it was raining heavily,
  • After we finish the project,
  • Since I love animals,
  • As soon as the movie started,
  • Before going to bed,
  • As she danced gracefully,
  • After the bell rang,
  • In order to prepare for the exam,
  • Although it was difficult,
  • Unless you eat your vegetables,