
(Cheonjae [천재]) 4학년 - L9~10 Review

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  • How much is the hair band?
    The hair band is 900 won.
  • What is the English?: 그녀는 잠을 자고 있다.
    She is sleeping.
  • What is the English?: 천
    [one] thousand
  • What is the English?: 집
  • What is the English?: 그럼요
  • What is the English?: 씻다
  • What is the English?: 그녀는 뭐하고 있니?
    What's she doing?
  • What is the English?: 나는 집을 청소하고 있어.
    I'm cleaning the house.
  • What is the English?: 축구공
    soccer ball
  • What is the English?: 잠을 자다
  • What is the English?: 뭐하고 있니?
    What are you doing?
  • What's he doing?
    He's cleaning [the house].
  • What is the English?: 숙제
  • What is the English?: 접시
  • How much is the pencil case?
    The pencil case is 5,000 won.
  • How much is the skirt?
    The skirt is 6,000 won.
  • What's she doing?
    She's washing dishes.
  • How much is it?
    It's 16,000 won.
  • What is the English?: 장난감 자동차
    toy car
  • What is the English?: 나는 설거지를 하고 있어.
    I'm washing dishes.
  • What is the English?: 원하다
  • What is the English?: 글러브
  • What is the English?: 난 바빠.
    I'm busy.
  • What's she doing?
    She's doing homework.
  • What is the English?: 그는 부엌에 있어.
    He is in the kitchen.
  • What is the English?: 필통
    pencil case
  • What is the English?: 나는 인형을 만들고 있어.
    I'm making a doll.
  • What is the English?: 그는 뭐하고 있니?
    What's he doing?
  • What is the English?: 많은
  • How much is it?
    It's 5,000 won.
  • How much is the toy car?
    The toy car is 7,000 won.
  • What is the English?: 얼마예요?
    How much is it?
  • What is the English?: 청소하다
  • How much is the glove?
    The glove is 8,000 won.
  • What is the English?: 바쁜
  • What is the English?: 치마
  • What is the English?: 머리띠
    hair band
  • What is the English?: 그녀는 설거지를 하고 있어.
    She is washing dishes.
  • What's he doing?
    He's dancing.
  • How much is it?
    It's 20,000 won.
  • What is the English?: 부엌
  • What is the English?: 백
    [one] hundred
  • What is the English?: ~할 것이다
  • What is the English?: 인형
  • What's he doing?
    He's singing.
  • What's she doing?
    She's dancing.