
B2 Phrasal Verbs Exam Revision Booster

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  • Ross ............. skiing for the first time last week and he broke his leg.
    tried on
    tried out
    took a risk
    turned up
  • Harry has .............. a lot of extra work so he won't be able to come to the party tonight.
    taken risks
    taken away
    taken on
    taken off
  • We love to ................ and relax by the pool after school.
    chill out
    turn up
    take up
    drop out
  • I am going to ............... meditation next year to help keep me relaxed. I've never done it before.
    turn up
    do up
    take up
    take part
  • You'll soon ............... the new computer system, you just need to practise using it more.
    get on well with
    live up to
    catch up with
    get used to
  • I ................. with a small fine, it could have been much worse. I could have been arrested!
    dropped out
    got away with
    got up
    turned up
  • Kelly can't .................. her mother's high expectations. She's just too strict.
    take of
    drop out of
    live up to
    take part in
  • We ............... on the journey very early because it is a long drive to Barcelona from here.
    set off
    take up
    took off
    turn up
  • Kevin .............. his father, they look exactly alike.
    looks after
    get rid of
    takes after
    lives up to
  • The witch ................ him ............ a frog!
    tried / on
    turned / off
    turned / up
    turned / into
  • I always ............. my homework ............. until the last minute. I should be more organised.
    take / off
    take / on
    put / off
    take / up
  • We must ............. of all this rubbish! It smells awful!
    end up
    set off
    get rid of
    take on
  • Adam doesn't like doing the washing up so he always tried to ...............doing it.
    drop out of
    get out of
    point out
    get up
  • If you work hard you can............... the rest of the class very soon.
    break up with
    catch up with
    make up with
    live up to
  • I ................ my mum to tell me the truth about things. Otherwise I would feel very anxious
    rely on
    call off
    point out
    live up to
  • I must ............. doing my homework, my teacher wants it back tomorrow.
    set off
    hand back
    get round to
    take up
  • We .............. having a meal in a Chinese restaurant after
    ended up
    started out
    headed for
    turned into
  • John and Tanya have ................ because they are too competitive with each other.
    chilled out
    kept a promise
    fallen out
    looked after
  • Oliver ............ all his possessions and went travelling around the world.
    set off
    took off
    gave away
    gave up
  • We are going the the supermarket and then we will ............. the cinema. See you there!
    end up
    get rid of
    head for
    catch up
  • .................. to a piece of cake if you want. It's for everybody.
    help yourself
    take up
    get up
    give away
  • Joan .................... that we had missed the correct turn on the road and that was why we were lost.
    took up
    headed for
    pointed out
    took off
  • I don't like .............. so I would never ride a motorbike.
    taking risks
    taking on
    taking up
    setting off
  • Tom ...............his ............... and came to the party just likeI asked him to do.
    went / back
    put / off
    got / through
    kept / promise
  • Can I ........... this dress in a different colour please?
    try on
    try out
    take up
    take off
  • Do you want to ............... the charity race with John and Jason?
    have a go at
    take part in
    take on
    get out of
  • ...............that car! It is coming straight at you!
    set off for
    look out for
    turn up for
    take part in
  • Please ........... your homework ............. to me tomorrow." Said the teacher.
    hand / out
    take / on
    give / up
    hand / back
  • Monica and Rachel ............. the day they met at high school and now they are best friends.
    chilled out
    got used to
    hit it off
    fell out
  • Where are we ............... John ............. from? The airport or the station?
    taking / up
    taking / on
    picking / up
    catching / up
  • You can .................. a lot of different activities at the summer camp and then decide which one you like the most.
    hit it off
    take part in
    pick up
    have a go at
  • We can ................. this difficult situation if we help each other.
    get out
    get by
    get through
    get on
  • We need to ............... how we are going to do this project for school.
    try out
    have a go at
    get round to
    sort out / work out
  • Jason ............. late for the meeting and missed at the important points I made.
    turned up
    got away with
    got into
    got round to
  • Can you .............. a good idea for Sophie's birthday present?
    turn into
    come up with
    come across
    turn up
  • When I look ............ that time it was the happiest time of my life.
    look up at
    call up
    look back at
    ring up
  • Steve jobs ................ of university to start Apple Macintosh Computers.
    turned up
    catch up
    took on
    dropped out