
Causative "have" & "get" (B2 level)

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  • Make sure that ______________________ before your parents buy it. (HAVE)
    Make sure that you have the bike checked before your parents buy it.
  • Is this sentence correct? "The teacher got his stationary taken"
    Incorrect: The teacher had his stationary taken
  • What is the form for when you ask someone else to do something for you?
    have/get + (object) + past participle
  • Which is more informal: "have" or "get" something done?
    "get" something done.
  • She __________ her handbag ___________ while she was on the bus. (STEAL)
    had ... stolen
  • Stephan ____________________ by a professional photographer. (PICTURE)
    Stephan is having / getting his picture taken by a professional photographer.
  • ___________ your car ______________ at the garage on the high street? (SERVICE)
    Do you have / get ... serviced
  • Is this sentence correct? "By 2022, I will have had all my braces removed"
  • What is the form for when you ask someone else to do something for you, but you focus on the person doing the action?
    have + (someone) + infintive // get + (someone) + to infinitive
  • My parents ______________________ their old vase valued by a friend. (ADVISED)
    My parents were advised to have / get their old vase valued by a friend.
  • I really ______________ organised soon. (MUST)
    I really must get / have the concert organised soon.
  • I had ______________ all the research for me online (DO)
    I had the team do all the research for me online.
  • Would you ever consider _______________ ? (hair / dye)
    Would you ever consider having / getting your hair dyed?
  • We ___________ a supply of logs ____________ for the wood burner yesterday. (DELIVER)
    had / got ... delivered
  • I _________ my hair ____________ at the new salon near the station tomorrow. (CUT)
    am having / getting OR am going to have / get ... cut
  • My friend ___________________ at her house at the moment. (BUILT)
    My friend is having / getting a pool built at her house at the moment.
  • Peter had his suit made by his father = Peter had his father _______________
    Peter had his father make his suit.
  • Can you use: "have + (object) + past participle" to mean you have been the victim of something?
    Yes. (but remember you can't use "get" when used for this meaning)
  • Pascual had ________________ the college. (TURNED)
    Pascual had his application turned down by the college.
  • I ______________________ last night. (HAD)
    I had my bike vandalized last night.
  • My grandparents are hoping to ____________________ soon. (HAVE)
    My grandparents are hoping to have their house painted soon.
  • Is this sentence correct? "My father thinks his friend will have his car stole if he leaves it outside"
    Incorrect: My father thinks his friend will have his car stolen if he leaves it outside
  • We got the company to refund our money = We got our _______________________
    We got our money refunded (by the company)
  • I ___________________ I was on the bus. (HAD)
    I had my bag stolen whilst / while / when I was on the bus.
  • Do you know anoyone who _____________ ? (tattoos / do)
    Do you know anyone who has had /got tattoos done?
  • Marianne wants to _________________ at the hairdresser's. (DYED)
    Marianne wants to have / get her hair dyed at the hairdresser's.
  • Is this sentence correct? "She had her brother to do her homework"
    Incorrect: She had her brother do her homework / She got her brother to do her homework
  • You should ____________ your suit _____________ for the wedding. (DRY CLEAN)
    have / get ... dry cleaned
  • How often do you ______________ ? (cut / hair)
    How often do you have / get your hair cut?