
Opinion Writing

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  • Best pet
    I prefer ... over ...
  • Best video game
    I believe that ... is the best video game.
  • Worst vegetable
    I think that ... is the worst vegetable.
  • Should kids have more or less homework?
    In my opinion. kids should have ... homework.
  • Best toy
    I think that ... is the best toy.
  • Best movie
    In my opinion, the best movie is...
  • Best food
    I feel like ... is the best food.
  • Should kids have more or less recess?
    I think kids should have ... recess.
  • Best teacher
    In my opinion, ... is the best teacher.
  • Best sport
    I think ... is the best sport.
  • Best school subject
    In my opinion, ... is the best school subject.
  • Best ice cream flavor
    In my opinion, the best ice cream flavor is...
  • Best book
    In my opinion, the best book is...
  • Best dessert
    I think ... is the best dessert.
  • Should kids have more or less chores?
    I believe that kids should have ... chores.
  • Best TV show
    I think the best TV show is ...
  • Best place to visit
    I think ... is the best place to visit.
  • Should kids go to school during the summer?
    I believe that kids ... go to school during the summer.
  • Should kids have more or less technology time?
    I think kids should have ... technology time.