
UI1 - lesson 22 Page 34 ex 1

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  • A lot of companies have gone bankrupt recently, so unemployment's going up.
    go bankrupt → lose all your money and not able to pay your debts
  • The government's made a huge difference since they came to power. They've done a lot to help the poor.
    make a difference → have a positive effect
  • There's a recession. The economy's in a total mess.
    recession → a time when industry and businesses are not doing well
  • The government's policies for the protection of the environment have boosted our reputation in the world.
    boost → help increase
  • The government is soft on drugs. They should introduce stricter penalties.
    soft → not tough enough
  • The economy's booming. Lots of new businesses are starting up and plenty of new jobs are being created.
    booming → doing very well
  • Their policies are undermining national unity. They've created divisions and made society less stable.
    undermine → make something become less successful or effective)
  • With so little rain, there are a lot of water shortages.
    shortages → there’s not enough of something you want or need
  • People are really struggling because wages are so low and the cost of living's so
    struggling → trying really hard to do something very difficult
  • There's too much bureaucracy. Businesses spend half their time dealing with official paperwork!
    bureaucracy → a complicated and annoying system of rules and ways of doing things