
Super Minds 5 - Unit 2

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  • _____ usually have large and colorful ________
    Toucans - beak
  • The Amazon Rainforest is in...
    South America
  • It's a very lazy animal, which mostly lives in forests in South America.
    It's a Sloth
  • It's a large South American snake. It's very dangerous, too.
  • Tell me two thing you don't have to do in the holidays
    You don't have to go to school / You don't have to wake up early / You don't have to do homework
  • Tell me two things you have to do when the weather is rainy.
    You have to wear a raincoat / You have to be careful when riding a bike.
  • A bird's mouth is called
  • What is a pool?
    It's a small area of liquid.
  • It's a part of a tree that grows out from the main trunk. Some of them have leaves, fruits or flowers on it.
  • What's the difference between a jaguar and a tiger?
    A tiger has vertical stripes, but a jaguar has spots.
  • Tell me two things you have to do when you're sick to get better.
    You have to drink lots of water / You have to rest / Your have to go to the doctor, etc.
  • It's an animal that eats small insects.
    It's an anteater.
  • Tell me two things you have to do at home for being helpful.
    You have to make your bed / You have to tidy up your room / You have to wash the dishes
  • Usually you swing on a rope. In a forest you can swing on a _____