
1st Grade Review

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  • The boy thinks the painting is ______ (이상한).
  • What do you think of New jeans? (아름다워)
    I think they are beautiful.
  • How would you give an instruction (지시) to do homework?
    You must do your homework.
  • Make a comparison (비교): A soccer ball is (big) a baseball.
    A soccer ball is bigger than a baseball.
  • What do you _____ of this song?
  • I want to be a ______. I love to sing.
  • 정확한 표현을 선택하고 문장을 완성합니다. (have many friends/be kind). Eric helps others a lot. I believe that _______________.
    Eric helps others a lot. I believe that he is kind.
  • Make a comparison (비교): A golf ball is (light) a soccer ball.
    A golf ball is lighter than a soccer ball.
  • A: I'm really nervous. B: Don't _____. You ___ do it.
    Don't worry. You can do it.
  • 정확한 표현을 선택하고 문장을 완성합니다. (want to sleep/study hard) Jenny has a test tomorrow. I think that __________.
    Jenny has a test tomorrow. I think that she should study hard.
  • 정확한 표현을 선택하고 문장을 완성합니다.(want to sleep/be smart).) You look tired. I think that ____________.
    You look tired. I think that you want to sleep.
  • What does this sign mean?
    You must not eat or drink here.
  • I want to find my _____ job.
  • What do you think of League of Legends? (재밌어)
    I think it's fun.
  • A: You must clean your room. B: __, __ ___.
    Oh, I see.
  • What do you think of Mom's touch? (맛있어)
    I think it's delicious.
  • Make a comparison. (비교) A golf ball is (small) of all.
    A golf ball is the smallest of all.
  • What does this sign mean?
    You must not take pictures here.
  • What do you think of this painting? (use 흥미 있는 in your answer)
    I think it's interesting.
  • A: ____ __ __ ____ __ __? B: I want to be a doctor.
    What do you want to be?
  • What do you want to be in the future?
    I want to be a photographer.
  • Amelia Earhart was very _____.
  • I want to be a chef. I love to ____ ________ ____.
    cook delicious food
  • What does this mean?
    Don't run here.
  • Make a comparison: My feet are (big) my brother's feet.
    My feet are bigger than my brother's feet.
  • A: I'm _______ because I'm going to give a speech. B: Don't worry. You'll do great.