
Memory idioms and expressions

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  • Someone gives you a great piece of advice, and you want to say that you'll remember that.
    I'll keep it in mind.
  • You are in an english exam. There is an activity where you have to complete sentences using memory idioms, but you can't remember a single one!
    My mind went blank!
  • You were supposed to do your homework, but you totally "forgot".
    It slipped my mind! I swear!
  • You are an English Teacher. You're explaining a particular grammar tense, and you want to give a few examples quickly, but can't think of even a single one.
    My mind went blank / Nothing comes to mind
  • You have a serious problem. A friend of yours tells you how to solve it, and the solution is so easy that you feel embarrassed because you never though of that.
    It never crossed my mind!
  • There is a movie that you've seen and love. You want to tell your friends what it's called, but you can't quite remember it.
    It's on the tip of my tongue!
  • You're walking on the sidewalk, and come across someone who looks fimiliar. The person says "Hi! Wow! It's been such a long time!" and mentions your name. You answer by saying "Hi, how are you..." and try very hard to remember their name.
    I'm racking my brains.
  • You are talking with a friend of yours, and suddenly he says: "Yo, isn't there something you should have told me today". You are puzzled. You have no idea what he's talking about. He says "cake... candle... age... ring a bell?"
    He's trying to jog my memory
  • In a casual conversation with your family, someone mentions the name of a person who is involved in a scandal.The name sounds familiar to you...
    That name rings a bell.