
Basic Kitchen Vocabulary and some Cooking Verbs

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  • What Kitchen Appliance is this?
  • What Kitchen Item is this?
  • How do we spell this Kitchen utensil?
    P L A T E
  • How do you spell this kitchen appliance?
    D I S H W A S H E R
  • What is she doing?
    Loading the dishwasher
  • What is this?
    A Table
  • What is she doing?
    Wiping the table
  • What is this?
    A fork
  • How do you spell this kitchen appliance?
    F R I D G E
  • What are they doing?
    Washing dishes
  • What is he doing?
    He is eating
  • What do we call this?
    A chair
  • What is she doing?
    She is cooking
  • What is he doing?
    Taking out the trash
  • What Kitchen Appliance is this?
  • How do you spell this kitchen item?
    T R A S H C A N
  • What is this?
    A knife
  • How do you spell this kitchen utensil?
    S P O O N
  • What is this?
    A Counter
  • How do you spell this kitchen item?
    N A P K I N
  • What is this?
    A plate
  • What is this kitchen item?
  • What is this kitchen appliance?
  • How do you spell this kitchen utensil?
    F O R K
  • What is he doing?
    Drying dishes
  • How do you spell this kitchen item?
    D I S H T O W E L
  • How do you spell this kitchen item?
    G L A S S
  • What is this kitchen item?
  • What is this kitchen item?
  • What job is this?
    Chef or a Cook
  • What is this kitchen item?
  • What is this kitchen tool called?
    Cutting board
  • How do you SPELL this kitchen item?
    K N I F E
  • What is this kitchen item?
  • What is this kitchen tool?
  • How do you spell this kitchen appliance?
    S T O V E
  • What is this kitchen appliance?
  • What kitchen appliance is this?
  • How do you spell this kitchen appliance?
    O V E N
  • What Kitchen Item is this?
  • How do you spell this kitchen appliance?
    M I C R O W A V E
  • How do you spell this kitchen tool?
    S P O N G E
  • What is this?
    A spoon
  • How do you spell this kitchen item?
    S I N K
  • What Kitchen Appliance is this?
  • What do we call all these things together?
  • What are they doing?
    Unloading the dishwasher