
Name 3 Words Game

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  • Name 3 things you would find in a dining room
    food, table, people, glasses, candles
  • Name 3 things you would find in a bathroom
    toilet, shower, toothbrushes, shampoo
  • Name 3 things you would find in a board game
    board, spinner, dice, pons
  • Name 3 things you would find in a car
    steering wheel, radio, brake, people
  • Name 3 things you would find in a school
    desks, students, books, teachers, computers
  • Name 3 things you would find in a lake
    fish, water, rocks, bugs, snakes
  • Name 3 things you would find in a kitchen
    stove, sink, food, table
  • Name 3 things you would find in a dentist office
    chair, toothpaste, drills, waterfountain
  • Name 3 things you would find on a playground
    slide, swings, kids, sand
  • Name 3 things you would find on a boat
    sail, motor, captains chair, lifevest
  • Name 3 things you would find on a mountain
    snow, rocks, boulders, chipmunks
  • Name 3 things you would find in a grocery store
    fruits, veggies, meats, candy
  • Name 3 things you would find in an office
    desk, phone, computer, people
  • Name 3 things you would find in a hosptial
    people, beds, machines, nurses, doctors
  • Name 3 things you would find in a book
    words, pictures, letters, fingerprints
  • Name 3 things you would find in a library
    books, computers, librarians, poeple
  • Name 3 things you would find in an old village
    tiny houses, firepits, gardens, people
  • Name 3 things you would find in a castle
    candles, old furniture, bed pot, spiders
  • Name 3 things you would find in a cafe
    coffee, tea, muffins, music
  • Name 3 things you would find in the countryside
    fields, corn, cows, trees
  • Name 3 things you would find in a big city
    skyscrapers, people, cars, litter
  • Name 3 things you would find on a beach
    sand, crabs, shells, people
  • Name 3 things you would find in Florida
    sun, sand, Mickey Mouse, manatees
  • Name 3 things you would find in a garden
    plants, flowers, dirt, bees
  • Name 3 things you would find in a cave
    bats, gems, water, stalactites
  • Name 3 things you would find in a bedroom
    bed, pillows, clothes, stuffed animals