
Parts of the Body

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  • What number is it?
    Number EIGHT
  • Spell eyes
    E Y E S
  • Spell ears
    E A R S
  • Touch my ears
    I can touch my ears!
  • Touch your mouth
    I can touch my mouth!
  • Touch my nose
    I can touch my nose!
  • Swing my arms
    I can swing my arms!
  • Clap my hands
    I can clap my hands!
  • How many superheroes?
    6 superheroes
  • Spell nose
    N O S E
  • Spell mouth
    M O U T H
  • Touch my eyes
    I can touch my eyes!
  • Stomp my feet
    I can stomp mi feet!
  • What color is it?
    It's Green!
  • What number is it?
    Number TWO
  • Shake my legs
    I can shake my legs!