
LH 5 Adverbs of frequency - New Tiger - Unit 1

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  • You use this to see people in the screen of the computer.
    It´s a webcam
  • How do you say "zuk beti erabiltzen dituzu aurikularrak musika entzuteko"?
    You always use headphones to listen to music.
  • How do you say "nik beti erabiltzen dut portatila emailak idazteko"?
    I always use the laptop to write emails.
  • You use this to time activities.
    It´s a stopwatch
  • How do you say "berak ez du inoiz ordenagailua erabiltzen"?
    She/he never uses the computer.
  • How do you say "nik batzuetan kronometroa erabiltzen dut"?
    I sometimes use the stopwatch
  • How do you say "eskolan, guk ez dugu mobila inoiz erabiltzen"?
    At school, we never use the mobile phone.
  • You use this to listen to music.
    It`s a MP3 player or headphones
  • How do you say "Amaiak askotan erabiltzen ditu aurikularrak musika entzuteko"?
    Amaia often/usually uses headphones to listen to music.
  • How do you say "nik ez dut inoiz ordenagailua erabiltzen etxekolanak egiteko"?
    I never use the computer to do my homework.
  • You use this to recharge electronic gadgets. What is it?
    It´s a charger
  • How do you say "berak ez du inoiz MP3-a erabiltzen"?
    He/she never uses the MP3 player
  • How do you say "Asierrek askotan bideo konsola erabiltzen du"?
    Asier often/usually uses video game console.
  • How do you say "guk ez dugu inoiz gps-a erabiltzen"?
    we never use the satnav
  • You use this in a car to find different places.
    It´s a satnav
  • How do you say "Lucy-k askotan tableta erabiltzen du bideoak ikusteko"?
    Lucy usually/often uses the tablet to watch videos.
  • How do you say "etxean, Mikelek beti portatila erabiltzen du"?
    At home, Mikel always uses the laptop.
  • How do you say "patioan, ez dugu inoiz portatila erabiltzen"?
    In the playground, we never use the laptop.
  • How do you say "kalkulagailua beti erabiltzen dut matematika egiteko"?
    I always use the calculator to do Maths
  • How do you say "batzuetan pen drive-a erabiltzen dut"?
    I sometimes use the pen drive.