
Brain Games

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  • Solve the riddle
    Their faces are upside down but their eyes and lips are right side up! (Turn your head to see how it looks.)
  • I have a head and a tail that will never meet. Having too many of me is always a treat. What am I?
    A coin.
  • Solve the rebus
    Try to understand
  • Solve the riddle
    The 12th person takes the egg and the carton, leaving the egg inside.
  • Solve the riddle
    Number 7
  • Solve the riddle
    He’s playing Monopoly and his piece is the car. He lands on a space with a hotel and doesn’t have the money to pay the fee.
  • Which bowling ball doesn't belong?
    Ball number 4 has two large finger holes; the other balls only have one large hole.
  • Solve the riddle
    You are the bus driver —what color are your eyes?
  • Solve the riddle
    She was at the zoo.
  • Solve the riddle
    From the bottom: up, left, down, left, up, up, right, up, left, left, up.
  • Solve the rebus
  • Solve the rebus
    Travel overseas
  • Solve the riddle
    The shirt has 8 holes.
  • Solve the rebus
    What goes up must come down.
  • Solve the rebus
    Split pea soup
  • Which English muffin doesn't belong?
    Number 6 has three different toppings and all of the other muffins only have 2 different toppings.
  • Solve the riddle
    Can you see both?
  • In this photo, is the girl standing in the water or is she under the water?
    She is standing in the water, her hair is dry!
  • Solve the riddle
    What do you think?
  • Solve the riddle
    She is playing chess with Kate.
  • Which wheel doesn't belong?
    The wheel that doesn’t belong is number 4. The symbol turns in the opposite direction.
  • You go at red, but stop at green. What am I?
    A watermelon. You eat the red part, and you stop eating at the green part.
  • Which building is in front?
    What do you think?
  • Solve the riddle
    The match. You can’t light any of the rest of the objects without first lighting the match.