
1 conditionals

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  • If it _______ (be) sunny, we ________ (have) a picnic at the park.
    is / will have
  • If you cool water to zero, I _______ it on my head. ( pour)
    will pour
  • If you ______ (make) dinner, I _________ the dishes. (wash)
    make / I'll wash
  • If she _____ (have) a temperature, she ______ (go) to the doctor.
    has / will go
  • What _____ you ____ (do) if it's sunny tomorrow?
  • If we ______ (recycle) more, we ________ (help) the planet.
    recycle / will help
  • If John ________ tired, he _______ TV to relax. (FEEL - WATCH)
    feels, will watch
  • If you turn the key, the door ______________. (OPEN)
    will open
  • IF we go to the beach, we _____ good ( feel)
    will feel
  • According to Murhpy's Law, if you take an umbrella with you, it _______ (rain).
    won't rain
  • If Amanda _______ (not/clean) her room, her parents ______ (get) angry.
    doesn't clean / will get
  • IF Mary has time, she _________ shopping. (GO)
    will go
  • Green plants can't survive if you ___________ them. (WATER - neg.)
    won't water
  • If you put food in a fridge, it ________ longer. (LAST)
    will last
  • If we take short showers, the electricity bill ______ down. (GO)
    will go
  • If we _____ (not/hurry up), we _______ (miss) the train.
    don't hurry up / will miss