
3rd Grade Money

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  • What coins could be added to the group shown to total exactly $0.75?
    2 dimes and 3 pennies
  • Misti wants to buy a video game that costs $6.50. She has saved the money shown below from her weekly allowance. What coins could Misti use to have the exact amount of money she needs to buy the video game?
    3 dimes; or 1 quarter and 1 nickel; or 6 nickels; or 30 pennies (and many more combinations)
  • Mrs. Roberts gave Joshua the money shown below for raking leaves. How much did Mrs. Roberts pay Joshua?
  • Luke paid for a soda with these coins. How much did Luke pay?
  • Henry bought a vase of flowers for his mother's birthday. He paid the amount shown below. What is the total amount Henry paid?
  • Damon collected all the money found in his room. How much money does he have?
  • Dana used the money shown to buy a snack. What amount of money did she use?
  • Daniel bought a toy at Toy Mart. He paid for his purchase with a $5 bill. He received these coins as change. What is the total value of the change Daniel received.
    52 cents
  • The teacher found this money on her desk. How much money does she have?
  • Mrs. Simms collected the money shown below from her students to buy a class hamster. What is the value of the money?
  • Mr. Diaz emptied his pockets and let his daughter count the change. What is the total value of the money in his pockets?
  • Mary has 6 quarters, 6 nickels, and 6 pennies in her purse. Jane has 5 quarters, 5 dimes, and 5 nickels in her purse. Which girl has the least amount in her purse?
    Mary has the least amount.
  • The table below shows the coins in Calista's purse. What is the total value of the coins in her purse?
  • Michael collected all the money he could find in his desk drawer, as shown. What is the total value of Michael's money?
  • Mr. Diaz emptied his pockets and let his daughter count the change. What is the total value of the money in his pockets?
  • Simar has $3.00 in quarters, dimes, and nickels. He has 9 quarters, and 5 nickels. How many dimes does Simar have?
    5 dimes