
a / an / some / any

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  • Have you .... cream with soup?
  • I was reading ... book and drinking .... lemonade.
    a book, some lemonade
  • There is ... apple, ... carrot and .... butter in the fridge.
    an apple, a carrot, some butter
  • I  go to the shop and buy a ... of cola, a ... of chocolate and a ... of honey.
    a can of cola, a bar of chocolate, a jar of jam
  • She hasn't got ... children.
  • I buy ....cheese but I didn't buy .... bread.
  • In my bad sandwich, there's ...butter, ... cheese and ...egg.
    some butter, some cheese, an egg
  • I want ...sugar in my tea
  • There's ... carrot, ... strawberries, .... orange and .... pears on the table
    a carrot, some strawberries, ans orange, some pears
  • We have got ... cucumber but we haven't got ... bananas. Have we got ... orange juice?
    a cucumber, any bananas, any orange juice
  • ... there ... birds in the tree? No, there aren't.
    are / any
  • There aren't ... people at the bus stop at the bus.  