
Inference with pictures

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  • Juan left the cafeteria. He was holding on to his stomach. He went straight to the nurse's office. What is probably wrong with Juan??
    He has an upset stomach/He is sick
  • Alyssa was having a party. She decorated her house with balloons. She got pizza, cake, and candles. What kind of party do you think she's having?
    Birthday party
  • Ryan was at the library. He was reading a book about men that travel on spaceships. He sees pictures of stars, planets, and the sun. What is the book probably about?
  • Ben was sitting in a large room. He was sitting in a comfortable chair. He was looking towards a large screen. He was eating popcorn. Where do you think Ben was?
  • Jenna is doing her math homework. She took out a tool with buttons and numbers to help her. What tool did she take out?
  • Steven headed towards the bus stop. He realized right away that he should have taken his umbrella. What probably happened that made Steven realize this??
    He probably got wet from the rain
  • Mother put the dirty clothes into a machine. She added a liquid. Then she pushed the button. The machine turned on. What machine do you think it is?
    Washing machine
  • Andrew turned on his flashlight, went into his tent, and got into his sleeping bag. What is Andrew probably doing?
  • Today is a holiday. Everyone is wearing green. Everyone is talking about rainbows, gold, and clovers. What holiday do you think it is?
    St. Patrick's Day
  • Mr. Miller was on his way to work. All of a sudden, he came to a complete stop. He knew he should have put more gas in the car. What do you think happened to the car?
    It ran out of gas and could not run
  • Kim was watching TV. Without looking, Kim knew her dinner in the oven was ruined. How do you think Kim knew?
    Her fire alarm went off/She smelled something burning/She saw smoke
  • Zion was in the cafeteria. He was eating lunch. He was eating a food that had a meat, cheese, and a bun. What was Zion probably eating?
  • Monica kicked the ball. She kicked it towards the net. The crowd cheered. Why do you think the crowd cheered?
    She scored
  • Luke was in school all day. Once he got home, his puppy jumped up on him. He was barking and looking towards the door. What might the puppy want?
    To go for a walk
  • The students heard a loud noise. They knew to follow their teacher outside. The rest of the school was also outside. What might be happening?
    Fire Drill/Evacuation
  • Sara opened her backpack to start working on her homework. As soon as she looked inside, she realized she would not be able to do it. How do you think Sara knew that?
    Because it wasn't in her backpack/She forgot it at school
  • Lisa and Joe are playing at recess. They are running around the field. They have a ball. They are using their feet. What sport do you think they are playing?
  • Edwin was cooking dinner. He put meat, lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese into a crunchy shell. What was Edwin probably cooking?
  • Wendy put the apples, cereal, and bread into the cart. She wheeled the car over to the cash register. Where do you think Wendy is?
    Supermarket/Grocery Store
  • Keanon was sitting at a desk. On the desk he had a notebook and a pencil. He was facing a chalkboard. Where do you think Keanon was?