
Rooms in a house

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  • Is this the bedroom? 
    No, he isn't.
  • Is there a sofa in the dining room? 
    They're in the dining room.
  • What room is this?
  • Where are dad and Billy?
    They're in the classroom.
  • What room is this?
    Living room
  • Are they in the bedroom?
    No, they aren't.
  • What room is this?
    Dining room
  • What room is this?
  • Is she in the kitchen?
    Yes, she is.
  • Are they in the kitchen?
    Yes, they are.
  • Is there a lamp in the kitchen? 
    They're in the kitchen.
  • Where's Billy?
    He's in the bedroom.
  • What's this?
    An apartment
  • Is there a T.V in the living room? 
    No, they aren't.
  • Where's grandpa?
    He's in the living room.
  • Is there a lamp in the bedroom? 
    No, there isn't
  • Where are mom and Rosy?
    They're in the dining room.
  • Where's grandma?
    She's in the bathroom.
  • Where are mom and Rosy?
    They're in the living room.
  • Where's grandma?
    She's in the bedroom.
  • Where's mom?
    She's in the living room.
  • Where are mom and Billy?
    They're in the kitchen.
  • Is she in the living room?
    Yes, she is.
  • What room is this?