
Multiple Meaning Words

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  • Right
    We made a right hand turn at the light. I got the right answer.
  • Saw
    I saw the moon outside. Dad used a saw to cut the wood.
  • Past
    She ran past my house during the race. We learned about the wars of the past during history class.
  • Ruler
    We used a ruler in art class. King George was a ruler.
  • fire
    The fire kept us warm at the campsite. The boss told him he was fired!
  • bank
    I deposited my check in the bank. The bank of the river is flooded.
  • Odd
    It's odd that she is late for class. Three is an odd number.
  • Shake
    I shake the bottle before opening it. I ordered a shake at the burger shop. I was shaking because I was so cold!
  • Season
    What is your favorite season? Mom seasoned the steak before grilling it.
  • Space
    Leave a space between your words. An astronaut goes to outer space.
  • Scale
    The scale told me I gained 5 pounds. A fish has scales.
  • back
    I hurt my back by picking up the heavy rock. We need to go back to the store for some milk.
  • Seal
    The seal swam up to the shore. I sealed the envelope before mailing it.
  • Kind
    She is always very kind to her classmates. That shell was one of a kind.
  • Check
    I wrote a check to pay the bill. The teacher will check my work.
  • Punch
    I love to drink fruit punch. He punched the new punching bag.
  • Safe
    They were safe from the fire. Mom put the money in the safe.
  • Order
    The teacher wanted us to line up in alphabetical order. She ordered a shake at the restaurant.
  • Mouse
    The mouse ate the cheese. My computer mouse needs new batteries.
  • Match
    Dad used a match to start the campfire. Do these socks match?
  • Head
    My head hurts. The teacher told him to go to the head of the line.
  • Second
    Don't wait another second before you go! My sister is in 2nd grade.
  • Key
    I lost my car keys. Motivation is the key to success. The teacher gave us her answer key.
  • Change
    I need to change my clothes. Do you have any change for the soda machine?
  • Block
    I built a tower with blocks. The car was blocking my driveway.