
Managing flood risk

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  • What is a levee
    High banks built on/near river banks
  • What are places called when they flood often?
    Flood zones
  • What is the term for deepening and/or straightening the the river?
  • A disadvantage of dams and reservoirs.
    Expensive. Displaces people. Ruin the environment. Algae growth
  • What is the name for an area of the flood plain that are allowed to flood and one disadvantage?
    Term: Washland / Disad: Limits landuse e.g. farming
  • What are the disadvantages of channelisation?
    May put other places at risk/does not look natural
  • What is a disadvantage of levees?
    Expensive or unsightly and not often needed
  • The term used for Governments allocating areas of land to different uses, according to their level of flood risk.
    Flood Plain Zoning
  • Flash floods
    a sudden local flood, typically due to heavy rain
  • Afforestation (planting trees) aids infiltration (absorption) through what process?
  • An advantage of levees/embankments
    Earth/grass-blends in with the environment or Prevents flooding of houses/land
  • A disadvantage of levees
    Burst/overflow and water becomes trapped causing even more damage
  • Give 2 advantages of dams and reservoirs.
    1. HEP (Hydroelectric Power) 2. Water Supply 3. Water Sports
  • What is the term for extra channels built next to rivers or leading from them and an advantage?
    Term: Flood Relief Channels / Adv: Prevents overflow by accommodating high flow
  • An advantage of River restoration (restoring the river's original course)
    Can slow rivers down preventing flooding downstream by removing levees & restoring meanders or more attractive or habitats for wild life.
  • What is an advantage of washlands?
    Safe place for floodwater preventing it from affecting valuable areas or improves the river's sedimentation process
  • What is spillway?
    A path for flood water
  • Rapid on-set floods
    They can be destructive, but not as much as flash floods
  • What is the advantage of channelisation?
    It allows the water to move quicker (away from places at risk)
  • What is "floodplain"?
    an area of flat land near a river that is often flooded when the river becomes too full
  • What is another word for an embankment?
  • What is an advantage flood plain zoning?
    Aims to prevent the development of homes/businesses in high risk areas.
  • What is the term for barriers that hold back water in an artificial lake?
    Dam & Reservoir