
[Complete IELTS 5.0 - 6.5] Unit 1 - Starting Som ...

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  • "To increase e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -" means "to increase more and more rapidly".
    exponentially (adv)
  • Feeling confused about where you are, where you're going or what's happening is called d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
    disorientation (n)
  • Building the playground was a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ project. It means everyone in the community had their share of responsibililty.
    communal (adj)
  • My friend and I have a lot i_ c _ _ _ _ _.
    in common
  • E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a feeling of extreme happiness or confidence.
    euphoria (n)
  • An i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is someone who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
    immigrant (n)
  • Australians' n _ _ _ _ _ of privacy is different from ours.
    notion (n)
  • The p h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of third culture kids is increasing at a rapid rate.
    phenomenon (n) -> phenomena (plu.)
  • In the 2nd stage of culture shock, the initial enthusiasm turns into i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
    irritation (n) - frustration (n)
  • Cultural c _ _ _ _ is a conflict arising from the interaction of people with different cultural values.
    clash (n)
  • "To c _ _ _ the term" means "to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time".
    coin (v)
  • Death is an i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ part of life.
    inevitable (adj)
  • The 3rd stage of culture shock is known as "adjustment and r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _", when people gradually learn to adapt to the culture.
    reorientation (n)
  • An expatriate means someone who does not live in their own country; while a r _ _ _ _ _ _ means someone who leaves their country to find safety, especially during a war or for political or religious reasons.
    refugee (n)
  • The new arrival is i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by all the new sights and sounds of their surrounding.
    intrigued (adj)
  • He's trying to d _ _ _ _ _ his thesis.
    defend (v)
  • Third culture kids are children who spend a significant p _ _ _ _ _ _ of their developmental years in a culture outside their parents' passport cultures.
    portion (n)
  • Some Australians may be c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of those who they perceive as doing nothing but study.
    critical (adj)