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  • Batteries store _______ energy for later use, but often are charged using ______ energy
    chemical, electrical
  • What are the two main categories of energy?
    kinetic and potential energy
  • The ability to make things move or to do work is ___
  • Sound is produced when an object _____.
  • A laptop transfers electrical energy to light, sound and thermal. Which type of energy is considered wasted?
    thermal (heat)
  • When you burn coal, the chemical energy is transferred as what type of energy?
    thermal(heat) + light
  • Oil and petrol have what type of energy?
    chemical energy
  • What type of energy is transferred around a circuit?
  • Any source of light has ........................... energy.
  • What type of potential energy does a wrecking ball use?
  • Potential energy is referred to as ___________ energy.
  • Kinetic energy is defined as energy in ____________.
  • Explain the energy that the ball has in picture 1, and what will happen to that energy if the person lets go (picture 2).
    The ball has potential energy, if the person lets go, the potential energy will become kinetic energy as the ball falls.
  • Can energy be created?
    No. It can only be transferred or changed.
  • Name 3 sources of renewable energy
    wind, solar, wave, tidal, geothermal
  • Any object that is moving has what kind of energy?
    kinetic energy
  • What type of energy is in food?
    chemical Energy
  • What is the name of the energy store when objects are up high?
    gravitational (potential) energy
  • What is potential energy?
    Energy that is stored
  • Give one example of energy transfer.
  • Which point has the most potential energy?
    A - the highest position