

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • She is not lazy => Yes-No Question (?)
    Is she lazy? Yes, she is / No, She isn't
  • Ice cream is great. => Question (?)
    Is ice cream great? Yes, it is / No, it isn't
  • We aren't always good at school => Affirmative (+)
    We are always good at school.
  • This ( be) John.
  • Are The elephants tired? => Negative (-)
    The elephants aren't tired.
  • This is my new smart TV => Negative (-)
    This isn't my new smart TV.
  • How old ( be) you?
  • Is she a nice girl? => (+)
    She is a nice girl.
  • Carol, ( be) this your bike?
  • Bob is not here today. => (?)
    Is Bob here today? Yes, he is / No, he isn't
  • It is a nice cat. => (-)
    It isn't a nice cat.
  • The cats aren't on the tree => (?)
    Are the cats on the tree? Yes, they are / No, they aren't
  • Mum's dress isn't beautiful. => (+)
    Mum's dress is beautiful.
  • Elephants are strong. => (?)
    Are elephants strong? Yes, they are / No, they aren't
  • Where (be) my brother?
  • The shoes are white => (-)
    The shoes aren't white.
  • Where (be) my shoes?
  • Who ( be) that boy?
  • Is the book on the desk? => Affirmative (+)
    The book is on the desk.
  • Are your exercise books in the schoolbag? => (-)
    Your exercise books aren't in the schoolbag.
  • They aren't crazy. => (-)
    They are crazy.
  • I am at school => Negative (-)
    I am not at school
  • Kevin is a good tennis player => Yes-No Question (?)
    Is Kevin a good tennis player? Yes, he is/ No, he isn't
  • What (be) your telephone number?