
Holes ch. 14-17

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  • What does Stanley realize about why they dig holes?
    They are definitely searching for something
  • What does Zagzag say he is watching in the "wreck" room?
  • What happens when Stanley tries to talk to X-Ray the next morning?
    X-Ray acts like he doesn't know what Stanley is talking about
  • What does the Warden tell Mr. Pendanski about the boys' water?
    He's giving them too much
  • Why is the Warden losing patience in chapter 17?
    The boys have been digging for a week and a half without finding anything.
  • What is that Zero has never heard of?
    "The Little Old Woman Who Lived in a Show?"
  • What does the Warden do to Armpit?
    Jabs him with a pitchfork, knocking him into the hole.
  • Why Zagzag watching television is considered strange?
    Because the television is busted
  • How does the Warden change the way the boys dig?
    Team up and shovel the dirt twice
  • What is the Warden physically like?
    A tall woman with red hair and cowboy boots
  • How does Mr. Pendanski think the Warden will feel about the tube?
    He thinks the Warden will like it
  • What happens to Stanley while he digs?
    He gets hit on the head with a shovel
  • What happens if they find something?
    They get the day off and a double shower
  • What does the Warden do to Mr. Pendanski?
    She scratches his face.
  • Why doesn't X-Ray talk to Stanley at breakfast?
    He is worried about the microphones and cameras
  • Why did the Warden hurt Armpit?
    She was angry, feeling the boys were wasting time.
  • According the Zigzag, how does the Warden know the boys' names?
    She watches and listen to everything they do