
Vocabulary - Unit 3, Northstart

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  • Where would you find a flight *crew*? a. on a boat / b. on an airplane / c. in a nest
    b. on an airplane
  • What's an example of something that is *precious? a. a rock from California / b. a picture of a rock from Mars / c. a rock from Mars
    c. a rock from Mars
  • How can you *promote* something? a . put it a safe place / b. take good care of it / c. tell people about it
    c. tell people about it
  • What does a *particle* look like? a. a tiny sport of dirt / b. a large rock / c. frozen water
    a. a tiny sport of dirt
  • What is a *fragment*? a. a piece of a larger object / b. two pieces of an object joined together / c. an unbroken object
    a. a piece of a larger object
  • What should we do with the *debris*? a. clean it up / b. sell it / c. create more of it
    a. clean it up
  • How can countries *cooperate* on the space junk problem? a.They can argue about what to do. / b. They can work together to clean it up. / c. They can cancel their space programs.
    b. They can work together to clean it up.
  • What happens whe two things *collide*? a. They crash. / They go faster. / They turn around.
    a. They crash.
  • What is a person's *perspective*? a. how the person sees things / b. the person's goals / c. where the person grew up
    a. how the person sees things / b. the person's goals
  • What *orbits* the Earth? a. the Sun / b. the moon / c. the planets
    b. the moon
  • Where might a *spacecraft* go? a. to New York / b. to China / c. to Mars
    c. to Mars
  • A rock hit the space station. What did the ¨*damage* look like? a. a small planet / b. a hole / c. a piece of metal
    b. a hole
  • What *innovation* has improved communication? a. space / b. conversation / c. the Internet
    c. the Internet
  • Where can you see a *satellite*? a. under the ground / b. in the night sky / c. at the small
    b. in the night sky