
BI3 Unit 1 review

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  • I play badminton. (問句)
    Do you play badminton?
  • 我不跳床。
    I don't do trampolining.
  • Spelling: 打手球
    play handball
  • Spelling: 做體操
    do gymnastics
  • Spelling: 喝檸檬水
    drink lemonade
  • Spelling: 吃水果
    eat fruit
  • I eat candy. (否定句)
    I don't eat candy.
  • I go swimming. (否定句)
    I don't go swimming.
  • Spelling: 去游泳
    go swimming
  • Spelling: 打羽毛球
    play badminton
  • I go running. (問句)
    Do you go running?
  • Spelling: 吃糖果
    eat candy
  • Spelling: 做運動
    do exercise
  • Spelling: 騎越野腳踏車
    go mountain biking
  • 我打手球。
    I play handball.
  • I do mountain biking. (問句)
    Do you go mountain biking?
  • Spelling: 打橄欖球
    play rugby
  • Spelling: 喝牛奶
    drink milk
  • 你吃水果嗎?
    Do you eat fruit?
  • I play rugby with my friend. (問句)
    Do you play rugby with your friend?
  • I drink milk. (否定句)
    I don't drink milk.
  • I go outdoors. (否定句)
    I don't go outdoors.
  • Spelling: 打棒球
    play baseball
  • 你喝檸檬水嗎?
    Do you drink lemonade?
  • 我不做體操。
    I don't do gymnastics.
  • Spelling: 跳跳床
    do trampolining
  • Spelling: 去戶外
    go outdoors
  • I do exercise with my family. (問句)
    Do you do exercise with your family?
  • Spelling: 去划船
    go rowing
  • 我打棒球。
    I play baseball.
  • Spelling: 去跑步
    go running
  • I go rowing. (否定句)
    I don't go rowing.