
Energy in the Environment

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  • Name three reasons why there is deforestation.
    To collect wood to make furniture, to collect wood to burn as fuel, to clear land for farming, to clear land for cities, to clear land for mining.
  • What is a glacial period?
    Glacial periods are times when the global temperature of the earth’s surface decreases, which causes the migration of animals and the extinction of species that
  • What types of consumers are there?
    Herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, scavengers and parasites.
  • What are herbivores? Give an example.
    These are consumers that eat plants, including leaves, flowers, fruit, pollen, nectar, seeds and roots.
  • What is another way to call heterotrophs organisms?
    They are called consumers because they consume energy from other living things.
  • What are biotic factors?
    They are living things.
  • What are carnivores? Give an example.
    These are organisms that feed on other animals.
  • What is a drought? What are the negative effects?
    Droughts are caused when the amount of water necessary for living things to survive is not available. Many plants die because they cannot perform photosynthesis
  • What is deforestation?
    Deforestation happens when we destroy forests by cutting down trees.
  • Living things that obtain their nutrients from other living things are called...
  • Living things that can make their own nutrients are known as...
  • What are scavengers? Give an example.
    These are organisms that consume waste and dead animals.
  • What is a flood? What are the negative effects?
    Floods can leave plants and animals submerged in water, causing alteration in their food chains.
  • What is a population?
    A population is a group of individuals of the same species that live in the same space and at the same time.
  • What is another way to call autotrophs organisms?
    Autotrophs are called producers because they produce energy for other living things.
  • Is there an organization in nature?
    Yes, biotic factors interact.
  • Why are forests so important?
    Habitats of animals, creation of medicine, give us oxygen.
  • What is an ecosystem?
    An ecosystem consists of the living things in a certain place, the conditions of the place (temperature, light and humidity among other things) and the interact
  • Give five examples of autotrophs organisms.
    Teacher checks.
  • Give three examples of autotrophs organisms.
    Teacher checks.
  • What are omnivores? Give an example.
    These are organisms that consume both animals and vegetables
  • What are abiotic factors?
    They are nonliving things.
  • What is a community?
    A community includes all the populations that inhabit a common environment and interact.
  • What are parasites? Give an example.
    These are consumers that feed on other animals but without killing them. They can live inside or outside the body they consume.
  • In what way heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms interact?
    Heterotrophic organisms consume autotrophic organisms, and sometimes they benefit from each other.
  • Name The Harmful Effects of Human Activity.
    Agriculture and the Use of Pesticides, Indiscriminate Hunting and Introduction of a New Species.
  • Name the Natural Causes that alter Food Systems.
    Glacial periods, Volcanic eruptions, Floods and droughts.