
Past simple vs. past continuous

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  • Why _____________ (stand) on a chair when I _____________ (come) into the room?
    Why were you standing on a chair when I came into the room?
  • At 7pm yesterday, we ____________ (listen) to music.
    At 7pm yesterday, we were listening (listen) to music.
  • While I ____________(do) the washing-up, I ____________ (break) a plate.
    While I was doing the washing-up, I broke a plate.
  • We ___________ (play) tennis when John ___________ (hurt) his ankle.
    We were playing tennis when John hurt his ankle.
  • I _______________ (have) dinner when I suddenly _______________ (hear) a loud bang.
    I was having dinner when I suddenly heard a loud bang.
  • I _____________ (sit) in a cafe when you _____________ (call) .
    I was sitting in a cafe when you called.
  • He ___________ (hear) a loud bang while he ___________ (talk) to his friend.
    He heard a loud bang while he was talking to his friend.
  • While Susie ___________ (watch) a film, she ________________ (hear) the noise.
    While Susie was watching a film, she heard a noise.
  • When they __________ (leave) the museum, the sun ___________ (shine) .
    When they left the museum, the sun was shining.
  • While Tom _______________ (play) the piano, his mother _______________ (do) the washing-up.
    While Tom was playing the piano, his mother was doing the washing-up.
  • He ____________ (take) a shower when the telephone ____________ (ring).
    He was taking a shower when the telephone rang.
  • When I ___________ (walk) into the room, everyone ___________ (work).
    When I walked into the room, everyone was working.
  • Yesterday I ________ (go) to the Post Office, then I ________ (buy) some fruit at the supermarket and ________ (read) a book in the park.
    Yesterday I went to the Post Office, then I bought some fruit at the supermarket and read a book in the park.
  • As the children __________ (sleep) , their parents __________ (watch) TV.
    As the children were sleeping , their parents were watching TV.
  • What ___________ (they/do) at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?
    What were you doing at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?
  • Her train ______________ (get) to the station, while we ______________ (wait) on the platform.
    Her train got to the station, while we were waiting on the platform.