
3 - 2023/august

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  • What is your favorite thing about your personality?
  • What tasks make you feel like your best self?
  • What color would you choose to describe yourself?
  • If you could have a fictional superhero for a best friend, who would it be?
  • What are you most grateful for in this season of life?
  • What is something you have accomplished as an adult that your younger self would be proud of?
  • What do you love most about your home?
  • What’s your favorite comfort food?
  • What’s your love language?
  • What do you wear when you’re feeling your very best, and why?
  • If your pet could talk, what would their voice sound like? What would they say about you?
  • What tasks make you feel like your best self?
  • Is there a place in the world that you feel most represents who you are?
  • What is a language you love to listen to even if you don’t speak or understand it?